Long term care facility is a place where one can access health, supportive services, personal care helping them meet the needs of the frail older people or those who have no or limited capacity and ability for self-care. The limited care may have occurred through chronic illness, chronic injury, cognitive, physical or even mental disability or other health-related conditions. The services offered in the long-term care facility can includes the assistance with activities of the daily living, instrumental activities and the health maintenance activities. The long-term care assists people to be able to attain the optimal physical function and to improve the quality of life. This paper will explore the importance of long-term care facility; identify the populations, and the key characteristics of such facilities (Goldsmith, 2003).
Evidence shows that by the year 2012 in the U.S there were 4800 adult day services, home agencies estimated to be 12200 and 3700 hospices. The number of Nursing Homes was 15700 and 22200 residential acre communities (Matthews, 2008). About two-thirds of these care facilities were Nursing homes while only one-thirds was a community and home-based settings. Nursing homes are crucial long-term care facilities that are found in the society. …show more content…
In this case, long-term care facilities especially the nursing homes play a significant role in helping the clients to attain the optimum body functioning. They offer curative, rehabilitative, and promotive care in the society (Matthews, 2008). These facilities help the very old or those that cannot attain self-care. The presence of these facilities ensures even the very old and the terminally ill live a quality live. For instance, in a Hospice facility holistic care ranging from social workers to skilled nursing is applied. The nursing homes constitute the primary facilities that offer long-term primary