
Long Term Effects Of Alcohol

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What is alcohol? To most people “alcohol refers to the intoxicating ingredient in most beer, wine, liquor”. When people think of dangerous drugs, they probably think of heroin, crack cocaine, crystal meth or prescription painkillers. Because it is legal, alcohol is not, in most cases thought of as a substance with the ability to kill you or lead to chronic, irreversible health problems. It can wreak havoc with your health; destroy your family, your career, your hopes and dreams. Worst of all, it can directly result in death, or cause you to be responsible for causing death or harm to others, including strangers, friends and your own children. Alcohol can and does sometimes destroy all that is in its path and people should consume it in moderation.
The effects of alcohol can have damaging as well as beneficial benefits. The health
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Some of the short term effects are dehydration, malnutrition, impaired judgment, slurred speech, blurred vision, delayed reaction time, staggered walking, stupor, confusion, inability to comprehend, and unconsciousness. Long-term effects include but are not limited to: Arthritis, Cancer, heart disease, Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia, infertility, liver disease, nerve disorders, and shock comma, just to name a few. Luckily, people usually pass out before they are able to drink a lethal dose of alcohol. If a person consumes alcohol quickly though, the effects can continue after they pass out. It is also possible to stop breathing and die from drinking. One of the most devastating long-term effects of alcohol is the damage done to a child whose mother abused alcohol while pregnant. These are called Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorders and can range from mild to severe. The most severe is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which can cause problems with attention span, memory, vision, hearing, and abilities to learn and communicate. Defects will vary from person to person but are most often

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