Chapter 1:” Blue blocks went with blue blocks, and red blocks went with red blocks. But Doug would lean over and put a red block on top of the blue ones. Couldn’t he see how wrong that was?” (pg.7) This really stood out to me on the very first page in chapter one, simply because it gave me a better grasp of what Asperger’s was truly like.
Chapter 2: “ I had learned something from my humiliations at the hands of Ronnie Ronson and Chuckie and all of the other kids Id tried and failed to make friends with. I was starting to figure out that I was different. But I had a positive outlook.”(pg.19-20) This displayed for me the way john carried the burden of his disease on his shoulders from a young age.
Chapter 3: “ My mother sent me to a therapist, of whom focuses on the wrong things.”(pg.30) This says to me that maybe in fact we haven’t found the correct way to cope with these struggles that people face from this particular disease.
Chapter 4:” My father was mean, and he was dangerous to trick.” When I read this I was sad, because when john begins to fit in he cant even feel comfortable in his own home or feel open enough with his dad to communicate things.
Chapter 5: “ And that’s what I dreamed of being. A craftsman. An artist, working in automotive steel.” (pg.49) Among his struggles through being a misfit john still developed and created his own dreams and