When Adam was created by God from the “dust on the ground and the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7) and Eve from Adam’s rib, they were perfect, pure human beings and devoutly loyal to God. Similarly, when the boys first arrive on the island they are unwavering in their devotion to maintain civilized morals and disciplined behavior. In chapter 2, Jack displays this devotion by announcing to the group, “We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.” In the beginning of both plots, the characters of the story are pure in their innocence and loyalty to what they believe is right. Adam and Eve pure in their loyalty to God and the boys retain their innocence by maintaining civilized behavior.
Jack and Eve have one clear thing in common; they both lead their companions in straying from the path of righteousness. Eve by being the first to give into the evil temptation of eating the fruit and Jack by giving in to the evil temptation of power and the “compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up.” Subsequently after, the evil that engulfed Jack and Eve quickly spreads to their companions like a