The 1954 novel, “Lord of the Flies”, written by William Golding focuses on a group of British boys who get stranded on a deserted island. The novel shows how the boys attempt to govern themselves on the island and how their failure resulted in turmoil. The theme of the novel is the concept of rule and order. The system of law was attempted by the main character, Ralph, from the beginning. When the boys first meet Ralph says, “Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things” (11). Ralph introduces the idea of having a leader and they hold a democratic vote.But after Ralph, Jack, and Roger see the beast on the mountain, Jack questioned the other boys on …show more content…
“Who thinks Ralph oughtn’t to be chief?” (78). Not only was questioning the boys on their belief but also Ralph’s system of ruling. Ralph’s law system didn’t last long, the theory of rule and order no longer applied. The boys soon turned to Jack’s belief of anarchy. When the boys are outside the system of rewards and punishments, they begin destroying themselves. Even with Ralph's attempts to restore order, the boys began to believe in lawlessness. The theme of rule and order in the book relates to much of the real world. If there is not a balance between order and chaos, civilization would not survive. This is shown throughout history when empires rise and fall. The reason why civilization has been successful is that of the balance between order and chaos. The “Lord of the Flies” demonstrates the effects of a civilization when there is an imbalance between order and chaos.
On June 8, 2012, Dahlia Lithwick published an article called “Chaos Theory: A Unified Theory of Muppet Types.” The article focused on the attributes of Orderly and Chaotic Muppets and the importance of having a balance between them. The theme of the article is the concept of order in contrast to chaos. Lithwick states that “Chaos Muppets are out-of-control, emotional, volatile.” Chaotic Muppets are needed to help make sure that orderly muppets do not hold all the power. But if there is too much chaos, then civilization will be in disarray. Orderly Muppets on the other hand “tend to be neurotic, highly regimented, [and] averse to surprises.” Orderly Muppets are needed to keep the chaotic Muppets from creating pandemonium. This theory of order and chaos to the real world in many ways. This belief is for all of us because everyone is either an orderly or a chaotic muppet. Although their beliefs are different it is critical for them to get along. For the government to run properly, it is crucial to have a balance between order and chaos. For if they don’t it will not only affect individuals but also politics.
The idea of orderly and chaotic people is not only presented in the passages but in the real world as well.
Politics primarily shows the balance between the order and chaos and how one cannot live without the other. The theme of order and chaos is shown in the “Lord of the Flies” through the characters beliefs on rule and order. In the article, the theme of order and chaos is shown through the different Muppets and their personalities. The concept of order and chaos needs to be realized that both are needed. Although the ideas and beliefs of orderly and chaotic people are different, they are both essential to have a fair system in