
Lord of the Flies Chapter 7 Essay

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Lord of the Flies Chapter 7 Essay
Lord of the Flies Chapter 7 Essay

Most people experience losing control at one time or another. This often leads them to feel powerless and unsure. In the first nine paragraphs of chapter 7 of Williams Golding’s Lord of the Flies, the protagonist, Ralph relates these feelings to the readers. Jack gaining power and the boys becoming uncivilized creates feelings of helplessness and fear in Ralph.

At the beginning of chapter 7 it is noticeable that Jack is gaining power. For example there are negative images of the waves which leads to a negative chapter. The heat also causes tension which foreshadows that something bad is going to happen. Ralph has started following Jack instead of leading the group as he did before.

Ralph and the boys are now becoming uncivilized. Ralph started to notice the heat, it was different from before, this indicates change. Ralph realizes that he is starting new bad habits and that he is becoming unlike his old self. The boys are now aware of how dirty they are showing uncivilization.

Ralph is now to the point of feeling helpless. Ralph realizes that being dirty is now acceptable. This causes Ralph to feel that there is no hope o the group being civilized again. Ralph starts to feel very disappointed and has almost given up. Now that Jack has more power than Ralph it has made Ralph feel that there is no escape since he has been defeated by Jack.

Jack rules with fear so now that he has the most power Ralph is scared. Ralph’s body is now starting to ache because of how stressed and nervous he is. Ralph doesn’t feel comfortable on Jacks side of the island because of how violent and evil Jack has made it. Now that Jack has gained power Ralph is feeling helpless. Ralph has now realized how uncivilized him and the other boys are which causes him to feel powerless and unsure. Ralph is terrified of what the island is now becoming.

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