In a society you need to have regulations, which aim to keep everyone safe and protected. Instead, in this dystopian society, rules are often neglected and slowly vanishing as the story progresses. One example of this is the conch, which is symbolic of democracy and structure. In the book, whoever has the conch gets to speak with out being interrupted, like in class when you raise your hand. One person that really benefited from this was Piggy, who was often ignored, but with the conch, his voice was heard. As the story progresses the conch lost power; Piggy would often say that "I got the conch" but no one would care. When Piggy and the conch are destroyed in chapter eleven, democracy is destroyed along side
In a society you need to have regulations, which aim to keep everyone safe and protected. Instead, in this dystopian society, rules are often neglected and slowly vanishing as the story progresses. One example of this is the conch, which is symbolic of democracy and structure. In the book, whoever has the conch gets to speak with out being interrupted, like in class when you raise your hand. One person that really benefited from this was Piggy, who was often ignored, but with the conch, his voice was heard. As the story progresses the conch lost power; Piggy would often say that "I got the conch" but no one would care. When Piggy and the conch are destroyed in chapter eleven, democracy is destroyed along side