The piece by Castillo is a personal reflection that offers a peculiar and particular point of view from one person, and that represents how people permeates their surrounding reality, in this case the Mexican Revolution. These kinds of sources are extremely valuable in order to listen to the average voices. Especially in the case of underprivileged groups, such as indigenous populations and women, sometimes this is the only opportunity to grasp intimate daily moments, practices, and customs.
In “Los de Abajo”, Anzuela provides a powerful description of the revolutionary movement but also, the extreme poverty for the majority of Mexico. Following a part of Demetrio Mancias’ journey, the author explores issues like literacy, community health, substandard housing, machismo and gender roles. One repetitive topic is how much the men in Demetrio’s group really understood about the Revolution, and how the ideologies behind a bigger movement can be reduce to their minimum expression depending …show more content…
When a scholar or author writes, the ideas are conceived in the original language taking into consideration rhythm, colloquialisms and general culture. With translation some specific words or phrases can lost its power or cultural meaning. There is a real need regarding the translation of primary sources to share key information regardless language limitations. Nevertheless, research scholars should use the original sources in order to capture and comprehend the whole meaning of colloquialisms, context, and subtext of the whole