Loss is often followed by grieving, which helps people mature. When someone loses a pet or even a loved one, developing more maturity can help them through the grieving process. Children often cry over simple or insignificant things, but as people age and experience tragedies, they don’t pay as much attention to those insignificant things. As people experience loss, they learn coping mechanisms which can be helpful for other times as well. For example, when someone loses their job, they are emotionally better prepared to handle another tragedy better than someone who has not had that experience. This helps people also become wiser about certain situations and intelligently relieve themselves of the grievances. …show more content…
In “Kite Runner”, Amir had to lose his father and Hassan before he was able to understand what he needed to do in his life. Even in real life events such as tsunamis and earthquakes, people who have experienced them are better able to judge situations and predicaments. As people are affected by natural phenomenons, they are also learning how to intelligently and emotionally rebuild themselves. If another phenomenon were to occur, people who have already experienced the tragedy would be better equipped both mentally and emotionally to handle it again with even more