Niccolo Ammaniti's I'm not scared,' charts the life of a young boy named Michele Amitrano who has to deal with issues that are not a common occurrence of a 9yr old boy. Throughout the story we witness Michele's journey from childhood innocence into a maturity beyond his years. This is evident firstly through Michele's ability to stand up to his fears in order to support what he believes in. Secondly through Michele's realisation that the adult world is not as innocent as he first thought and the realisation that adults, in particular his father are capable of cruel violence. And finally through Michele's experiences with the fragility and virtue of trust. Throughout the story Michele is capable of standing up to his fears in …show more content…
order to support what he believes in.
Throughout I'm not scared,' Michele has to face many fears, both childish and real in order to support what he believes is right. One real fear that Michele had to face was standing up to Skull the leader of his group when he considered the forfeit given to Barbara to be unnecessary and harsh. When Michele stands up to Skull it is the first real time that he has had the guts to do so and this event gives Michele the confidence to face other fears later in the story. Another real fear that Michele has to face is being responsible for Fillipo's death if he is caught visiting him again. Michele's moral judgement tells him that he needs to keep the promise to Fillipo and visit him even though the fear of his father and his words are in the back of his mind. If you go back there I'll give you the thrashing of your life. If you go back there again those people will shoot him in the head ..And it'll be your fault.' Michele also has to face many childish fears such as not wanting to ride through the night because of the fear of being eaten by monsters.' I'm not scared of anything, I whispered to myself, but my legs were wobbly and a voice in my brain said not to go.' At the end of the novel in order to save Fillipo, Michele has to face the fears of falling to death in the gravina and the fear of meeting his father at the hole. The evolution of Michele from a little boy at the start of the story who was scared of riding at night because of monsters to a boy who risks his life at the end shows that Michele as a character matures throughout the story. At the start of I'm not scared,' Michele has full trust in all adults which is expected from an innocent child.
As I'm not scared,' progresses we begin to see a realisation within Michele that the adults of Acqua Traverse, particularly his father are not as trustworthy and innocent as he previously believed. When Sergio arrives, Michele discovers his father's involvement in the whole kidnapping plot. This event shows Michele that the adult world is not as nice and innocent as he initially thought. Michele also realises that the adults and in particular his father are capable of severe violence.' Papa made the scissors sign with his fingers.'Two ears we'll cut off. Two.' When Michele learns that adults are capable of violence it changes his whole perspective on the world. Michele losses the childhood innocence of believing that they world is a happy place, which is replaced by a more realistic assessment, that the world is a cool and cruel place.' Papa was the bogeyman. By day he was good, but at night he was bad.' The whole lack of compassion and care towards Fillipo again shows Michele how cruel and unjust adults can be. Because Michele learns the truth about the adults of Acqua Traverse he has to take a great deal of moral responsibility for the well being of Fillipo and in doing so grows in maturity. Michele throughout I'm not scared,' also learns about the fragility of trust.
Although Michele trusts his friends and family unquestionably the way that they betray him shows him how fragile trust is.
Michele places a great deal of trust in his friend Salvatore when he tells him about the boy in the hole. When Salvatore betrays him, 'Salvatore had betrayed me,' it shows Michele that unlike children who trust everyone in the adult world you can only trust those that you deeply love. Michele learns how important trust is between friends through his experiences with Fillipo. I knew you would you promised.(Fillipo to Michele).' Michele's experiences with Fillipo teach him the virtue of having a friend to trust and rely on and how important it is to have a friend like this. More complex is the trust that Michele has in his father. Even though Michele knows that his father is lying to him Michele still trusts his father and bases this trust on his fathers essential goodness. This is an important part of Michele's character, the fact that he is receptive to those who try to regain his trust again. Michele realises that trust has to be remade which shows how mature he is for a 9yr old
I'm not scared,' portrays the life of Michele and how he changes from an innocent child into an incredibly mature 9yr old. This is evident firstly through his ability to face his fears in order to support his beliefs. Secondly through his realisation that the adult world is not as innocent as he first seemed and finally through his ability to retrust people and his realisation that trust is fragile. It is therefore apparent that throughout I'm not scared,' that Michele changes from an innocent child into an extremely mature young boy.