
Loss Of Innocence In Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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The Destruction of Innocence The loss of the boys’ innocence is associated with the evils and dangers of the world. The innocence of the boys is continuously imparted throughout the book that the innocence of the boys is harshly decreasing. Innocence is defined as the quality or state of being innocent and freedom from sin or moral wrong (“Innocence”). During their stay on the island, the boys are losing their innocence. They are becoming uncivilized, wild and evil. The reality of civilization is to keep the innocence and lawfulness of the boys. Due to lack of civilization throughout the Lord of the Flies, the boys become forwardly cruel and primary revealing the true colors of a man. When the boys withdraw on the island, they behave like children, they are expressing fear, homesickness, and they are friendly towards each other. However, by the end of the novel, they attack, murder, and torture one another without any regrets in their selves. The developments of darkness from the beginning to the end of the novel become more violent. The destruction of the boys’ innocence on the island runs parallel to and tells their birth of savagery. Darkness adds …show more content…

It started from the beginning of the novel during the election of Ralph and Jack as the chief and as the hunter until to the hunting of the pigs. Jack is the chief of the choir group and all he wants to do is to kill and hunt even before the boy has shelters to protect them from. He is becoming more violent during his stay on the island. “But we want meat” (Golding 54). It is also evident that the boys are becoming more and more barbarians. During Jack’s successful hunt, he says to pick up the pig and the pig’s head is for the beast as a gift. Jack and his tribe completely lost their innocence and they become violent and evil to Ralph and to the other boys. “’ You’re a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!” (Golding

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