Since the hunters can accept indignity from a feeling of safety, they secure the pig’s head, who “grin[s] amusedly,” into the floor as “a gift” for the beast (Golding 151). From their beliefs in a leviathan or ghost upon the island, the boys accept savagery and believe they can physically kill their fear. Relying on superstitions, the hunters trust that the beast will accept the offering of a dead animal, yet issues remain due to the lack of understanding that their fear remains irrational. When a child witnesses the figure, the Lord of the Flies malevolently identifies itself as “the Beast” who remains the dark and evil “part” in all beings (Golding 143). As a physical form of mankind’s vileness, the head behaves derisively towards the children since they falsely believe that they possess no evil when killing peers and torturing creatures. The Lord of the Flies influences the children to accept their lack of innocence, yet their fear of accepting a inner savagery results in further damage to the island as the boys act recklessly. Ralph, escaping from his predators, encounters the pig’s “teeth grin[ning]” at him and holding his “gaze masterfully” and “effort[lessly]” (Golding 185). Evil residing in Ralph’s consciousness causes him to feel the entity with the everlasting grin, a reminding of his corruption in contrast from …show more content…
Isolation from society results in the boys learning to make the same mistakes as mankind. They learn to commit evil deeds as they permanently damage animals, each other, and nature. Although the tropical island provides food, water, and adventure for the boys, some undermine their surroundings and focus on violence and bloodlust. The scar from the crash will disappear in time, yet the children, through their inhumane actions, leave a deeper mark on the island. Through displaying the horrors of evil in humanity, no one remains safe; therefore, nature does not stand a chance against the malevolent instincts of