This story explains the many experiences of a man named Michael may who lost his sight at the age of three. The reason this story of Michael May’s life stood out to me so much was because it reminded me of what a person's life could like with courage, willingness and determination. Michael May who was diagnosed blind by the age of three never gave up on his dreams and lived to set the world’s speed record for a blind skier, and upon that he undertook many other ambitions that many people today would consider too sporty and extreme; However, he succeeded each and every goal he set his mind and had confidence and courage not to think twice. This book report on 'Crashing through' by Robert Kurson; This book is based on a true story and is written an autobiography on Michael May's life and reflects deep valuable lessons and portrays Michael May's personality, a man who struggled all his life with his physical vision impairment, but never let his weakness get in the …show more content…
The next morning Jennifer complained to Michael how her contacts were bothering her so they made a trip to a well-known optometrist nearby who Jennifer had heard of by one of her close friends and so she decided to go and asked Michael to come with her. So, there they were, Michael, Jennifer and their dog Josh. Only a few minutes in, and they soon get greeted by the optometrist, Mike Connor. Soon enough as Mike Connor finds out the Michael is blind he asked if he could look into his eyes and when was last time Michael had gone to an eye doctor, surprisingly Michael had not gone to an eye doctor in ten years. As Mike examined Michaels eyes he found that Michael was indeed blind, Micahel had had a blue colored prosthetic left eye, and his right eye was his natural eye which means it was nearly opaque and all white; this is evidence of dense corneal scarring, because no pupil or color could be seen at all. As soon as Mike saw this he referred Michael to another doctor named Dr. Goodman. Goodman took a look on Michael's eyes and asked a few questions such as, how many transplants Michael had gotten done, Michael had done