Learning Outcomes
1.1 Understand why communication is important in the work setting
Effective communication is needed to motivate people and build relationships in Health & Social Care setting.
1.2 Be able to meet the communication needs and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals
Asking whether they or relatives have a particular language need/communication need
Reading reports and notes about service user that provide information on speech/language issues, learning difficulties, disabilities – hearing or visual impairment or physical condition – stroke/cleft palate, that may affect their ability to communicate.
Being aware that an individual’s culture, ethnicity and nationality effect their language preferences and needs.
Observe people who use your setting to see how they use their communication and language skills.
Ask Supervisor/Mentor and specialist professionals such as speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and social workers for information, advice and support on how best to communicate with adults who have special communication needs.
1.3 Be able to reduce barriers to communication
Environmental factors – noise, poor lighting can prevent a person from noticing non-verbal communication and could reduce a hearing impaired person’s ability to lip-read. Also being too hot or cold cause discomfort and those that lack privacy discourage people from expressing their feelings and problems.
Development Stage – a person’s development stage could limit their ability to communicate and may be a barrier to effective communication, if you don’t take this into account when choosing your words or way of talking to them. Don’t use long sentences, complex words or unusual phrases with young children, for example.
Sensory Deprivation and Disability – visual impairment may reduce a person’s ability to see faces or read written signs and leaflets.