When working with my pupil who has autism whenever I ask him a question for which I am expecting a response to I give him that additional time to answer me by 'singing' a little tune in my head - 'one, two, three, four now go back and count some more' before I ask him the question again if he has not responded the first time. This little ditty was told to me by the speech and language therapist that works alongside children and young adults with communication difficulties and is one of many intervention programmes designed to help assist individuals with such
When working with my pupil who has autism whenever I ask him a question for which I am expecting a response to I give him that additional time to answer me by 'singing' a little tune in my head - 'one, two, three, four now go back and count some more' before I ask him the question again if he has not responded the first time. This little ditty was told to me by the speech and language therapist that works alongside children and young adults with communication difficulties and is one of many intervention programmes designed to help assist individuals with such