Outcome 1
1.1 identify the different reasons people communicate
to express feelings to resolve problems comfort to be able to inform people what is going on
1.2 explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting
When people communicate well with individuals in a work setting they usually feel satisfied. Good communication ensures that service users receive the best quality care and their individual needs met.
It also enables you to build a strong relationship with a service users and colleagues. A relationship is built on trust. Trust is essential as care staff deal with every part of a service user’s life including very intimate personal care.
Outcome 2
2.1 compare ways to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual
Communication can be difficult, especially when you are in a situation where you are unsure of the language and abilities of those who you are associating with. For example, in a resort abroad you are likely to be unsure of the language which people who you become acquainted with speak. On the other hand, you may be in a place where you are unsure if someone is deaf/mute or suffers from other disabilities which may impair their language and communication skills. It takes a degree of sensitivity and intuition to establish communication in these situations, but it can be overcome quite quickly where you make an effort to establish the needs or the individual.
It is always best when you meet someone to begin communication upon your own terms; if you speak English greet them as such, although ensure that you are speaking slowly and clearly. The person who you are addressing will then either respond, meaning that you both have the same needs/ preferences in language, or they will make it clear if they cannot understand what you are saying. This is when you must then go on to establish their wishes of