(2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards?
The expectation of my work role is to understand my job description 100% in order to carry out the best care for service users this will show my competence to the job role not only that i understand how to do the job but understanding why i do it and the theory side of the job . To be able to know how to do my job correctly it is important that i read the standards of my work place which are the National Minimum Standards,the National Occupational Standards, policies and procedures and the staff hand book. These will explain the standard of work i need to do in order to work effectively and provide the best care for the individual needs of the service users. This will also show competence to my job role showing that i am taking time to read and understand how to do the job be for i put it to practice.
(1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided?
Reflective practice is important when improving the quality of the service provided because nothing ever stays the same things change all the time. Change is a very big thing and new standards reflect the changes in our profession. It is important to continuously review and reflect on practises used in order to improve or change approaches to strategies and actions that can benefit the service user and the service provider to improve the service to the best standard possible. This can be done in a positive organised approach which is why there are regular supervision with the line manager, staff meetings or house meetings where if it is a private small care home service users are involved to discuss things that may have gone well or not so well, things that could have be done differently so we can work as a team to improve the situation or what could be done in the future to make things better and maybe see things from a different perspective so