2.3 Improvements to communication systems and practices to address any shortcomings can be done by arranging more staff meetings where staff can meet address any shortcomings and discuss issues. Also use of staff communication book to convey important changes. Flyers on notice boards using bright coloured paper with bold text is also a useful way. Group text messages can be used to communicate with staff
3.3 Improvements to communication systems to improve partnership working can be done through recording information eg, when g.p or other multidisciplinary teams visit they record their findings and advice or instructions that needs to be followed. This can also be done by sending written information to ensure continuity of care e.g discharge letters. Direct observation by looking and learning to carry out a task such as dressings at t.v.n visits are all included in this.
4.1 Information should not be shared without a person giving their consent. However confidentiality may be broken in some cases such as if a crime is committed , abuse,malpractice. This should only be shared with relevant legal authorities. Information can also be shared in cases to improve patient care.
4.2 Information should be shared at a limited need to know basis.Reason for sharing information should be clear as to reasons needed. How will the information will be shared e.g email, fax.
Unit 502
4.1 Sit and work things out by reading,talking or by viewing things such as mind maps or lists. Feedback from manager in the form of supervision, appraisald meetings, service users.
4.2 Reflective practice is important in a number of ways.It can be used as a tool to help managers to guide and support staff.It develops self esteem,confidence.It improves a way to learn. Can also aid as a source of feedback. Identifies personal and professional strengths and areas to be improved.
4.4 Best practices has been improved by encouraging staff to report accidents and incidents and