1.1 analyse how a range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss.
A range of factors can impact individuals with sensory loss, such as blind or partly sighted individuals struggle to read peoples facial expressions, which are important for communication. Also not realizing someone is talking to an individual if they are walking past or stood behind them can be frustrating. Written communication can also be problematic for partly sighted individuals. Larger font may help overcome these issues. People who are hard of hearing can also become frustrated as they can’t hear day to day noises such as the doorbell, telephone ring or people talking to them directly. This may make them feel with drawn from others and lonely.
1.2 analyse how societal attitudes and beliefs impact on individuals with sensory loss.
Social attitudes and beliefs impact on individuals with sensory loss as some people treat the individual as if they were incapable to understand. Society is recognising the need of deaf people by putting loop systems in to public buildings such as banks, the cinema and conference facilities. This helps people with hearing aids. Subtitles or signer are available on many TV programs but these are on late at night. Finding work when you have sensory loss can be hard, even thou under the Equality act and disability discrimination act means the employer cannot discriminate against sensory loss it is difficult to convince them they are able to do the job as efficiently as anyone else. These attitudes can knock confidence and may result in the individual not trying and become withdrawn.
1.3 Explore how a range of factors, societal attitudes and beliefs impact on service provision.
Services use to be the most convenient way for the organisation providing the help to the individual. People were expected to fit in around the organisation, where now people are given their own voice. Most people are offered a personal budget this looks at what