With every nations, people groups, and cultures there is a different definitions of love. The media such as Webster’s dictionary defines love as; “A strong affection for another’s, arising …show more content…
out of kindship or personal ties. When we turn on the television or listen to the radio, we are fed by the opinion of the world. I’ve seen love be defend as sex, money, racism, and to some even murder. I think that the media/the world has the wrong definition of what the word love is. People use the word love so often and they don’t even mean it. I think love is a strong word and I think you should only use it if you really mean it. I think the different relationships you have with people define who you are as a person too. For example the relationship with your family. I have the closeted relationship with my mom because she has always been there for me and has though me right from wrong. She has giving me everything, I know she loves me because she has taken care of me my whole life. She has fed me, clothed me, scarified her wants for my need and desires; that is love. You can also have relationships with your friends, church friends, even your neighbors.
Friends are people whom you can trust they are people who pick you up when you’re feeling low.
One of my closest friends are Hannah and Jessica. We basically do everything together, they are people I can sure things to because I can trust them. They are like sisters to me I don’t have to act like someone I’m not around them. I have church friends too. One of my best church friends and bible study teacher is Kathryn Wright she’s like a second mom to me she was the one who showed me how important life is because of a man name Jesus who gave his life so that we shall live.
This is my perspective of what true love is and what a relationship such look like. Many people will disagree and mock my opinion, but I think we should look around and see that the world is so used to using the word love that it’s come to the point that people use such a strong word that is meaningless to them. I think you should think before words come out so you won’t hart others if you don’t really mean it. The “love” on the internet you see is fictional. We will go through hard time with relationships and fall, but we will learn from our mistakes and get back up again that’s how we