
Love People Not Pleasure By Arthur C Brooks Summary

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Love People Not Pleasure By Arthur C Brooks Summary
It was a beautiful fall afternoon and I was not about to spend it indoors. I go over to Sophia’s crate and excitedly ask her, “Want to go for a walk?” Without hesitation she begins to jump around and wag her tail almost as if she knew exactly what I was asking. We finally make it to our favorite trail just in time for the sunset. The sight of the sky changing from an orange to slightly pink/red tint makes my jaw drop. I can’t help but be in awe of this view. Hiking has always been a source of stress relief for me. Being surrounded by nature brings me to a place of calmness. These kind of memories bring me pure happiness. In Arthur C Brooks’ article, “Love People, Not Pleasure”, he argues that in today’s culture we search for materialistic

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