I never became serious about love . Because I believed there is nothing such as this . I always remained a cool dude . I bet you people have seen the movies Kickass , Vampire Suck , The Dictator, etc . The fun you people get by seeing those movies I used to get that by seeing romantic films & the love stories . I thought that there is no such thing as love AND IF THERE IS IT IS FOR THE GAY’s . But I didn’t know life had a big surprise for me .
Some girls in my class had a flirty attitude towards me . And of course I enjoyed that . But after sometimes I used to get bored . Almost everyone in my class knew me because I was that popular . My life remain the same until Jane came to my life. I first met her in the classroom . I still remember her entering to the classroom . When I first saw her I kept staring at her . I couldn’t take my eyes from her . If I say she was just beautiful it will be wrong . She was more than just beautiful . If I had words to describe her beauty I would have written a dozens of books about it . Her dazzling eyes and the little nose caught most attraction of me . Her face had something which had the amazing power to gain attraction . She didn’t have to do anything to get the attention of the boys around . She sat beside Rachel . I threw a paperball to Rachel and asked her to sit in my place . She gave a smile which was showing that she knows why I want to come over there . We swapped our places . After some time she turned to me . She gave me a confusing look . She was kind of surprised . Before she could ask me anything I asked her name .
“Jane” and then she want back observing the class . I bet till then she at least observed the half of the class .
“My name is Ray”
“Nice to meet you”
The situation in there was killing my nerves . We were in the same bench & I was not getting any attention from her . But in the first time in my life I became a little less brave than I usually am . I was in an awkward position . I was confused . I wasn’t able to start a normal conversation . But I didn’t know that she was not just as normal as other . She turned to me again and with a damn look she said to me.
“How silly!!!! Don’t you have the guts to talk with me??? . I am here sitting with you for half an hour. And till now you have just tell your name”. I am new here . You should introduce me to everyone .
I introduced her to everyone . She was so full of life . I think because of this she became the life of our classroom . In three months she won hearts of everyone in the classroom . But mostly mine . When she used to smile she even looked more beautiful. In this three months we became very good friends .
She changed the heck of my life . I usually don’t attend class regularly but just to see her face I started to attend class regularly . I didn’t realize how my friendship for her turned into love .. The COOL DUDE turned into a lover boy . I wasn’t the same as I was before . Because I was madly in love with her. But I wasn’t sure that she feels the same as I feel for her or not . I couldn’t gather the strength to express my feelings to her . It was tough to kneel before her and say I LOVE YOU . Will you be mine forever ??? But I didn’t do that . I called her and asked her to meet me in the park beside our College . She came . The long wait was over . “Hey!!!! Why have you called me here??? You said that its urgent”
“Please sit . Listen I want to tell you something” .
“What it is” ???
“I don’t know how to tell . I ……. I…….. I………..”
“I love you . Please don’t misunderstand me . I have been in your love since the first day I saw you . I am not forcing you to love me . But I just want to know DO YOU FEEL THE SAME THAT I FEEL FOR YOU”????
“No!!! I don’t”
“Thanks. I have gotten my answer” .
Like a destruction in my heart I stood there.I was about to leave . But she called my name
“Ray!!! Hold on . I said I don’t feel as you feel about me . But don’t you want to know feelings. Listen I don’t love you as you love me . I love you more than you love me” .
I couldn’t believe what I just have heard .
“Yes!!!!. I love you & I knew that you love me . I was just waiting for you to say it first” .
“Jane!!! You don’t know how happy I am today” .
Yeah of course I was . Because my love has won. My love is no longer mine . ITS OURS.
She came closer me . So close that I was hearing her breathing . She hugged me . We enjoyed that . In her I found the dearest one . She was the person whom I could rely on . She was the person whom I could call my own . She was the person for whom I could sacrifice my all . She was the love of my life .
We were the perfect match for each other . I were each other’s fulfillers . In other relationships you can see the up downs but in our relationship IT DIDN’T EVEN EXISTED . We had an immense understanding between us .
I was in my home watching television . I stood up to get the water and suddenly I felt dizzy . I couldn’t help standing . I wasn’t able to stand anymore . When I gained consciousness I found myself in the hospital bed . My grandfather was sitting beside me . He called the nurse. The doctor came after sometimes . My grandfather got busy in talking with the doctor.
The doctor suggested some tests . My tests were done . They told us to come after three days and to collect the test reports . Days were passing . I decided that today I will ask Jane to marry me . I had to collect my test reports . I went the hospital . The doctor was in his cabin .
Dr Jones. I have come here to take my reports.
Mr Ray . Sit down . I have something to tell you about your report.
Please. I want you to be prepared for this
Hey!!!!What is it ??? You are scaring me.
Look….. From your diagnosed report we got to know that you have brain tumor.
What are you saying???? How is that even possible??? Please just say its wrong .Please!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry . The risk in the operation is very much . We can not take that .
How much time I have????
Three months .
When I was leaving from the hospital my eyes were filled with tears . It was not because I am about to die it was because after me what will happen to Jane . She will not be able to live . What will happen to her ???. I don’t have regrets about dying . My only concern was Jane . It was a tough decision . But I took it . I decided to keep Jane away from my life . I decided to throw her from my life . I knew after all of that she will be broken , she won’t be able to bear the pain But I have to do this . She can get nothing from me . She can find another one . Then my death won’t make a difference . But how I am supposed to do it?? . I have never had speak to her rudely . I know how it has to be done . I called her to the same place.
Hey Lover boy !!! Did you miss me????
Just cut the crap of f.
Ray Why are you behaving like this???
I have enough of this . I don’t want it anymore .
What are you talking about ?
Our relationship . I want to break up with you .
Yes .
What is wrong with you ??? I cant understand why are you behaving like this .
Look I am fed up with you . I can’t find anything new in you anymore .
Honey why are you acting like this????
My parents have called me to London . I am leaving tomorrow .
Ray!!! I love you .
Sorry!!! I don’t anymore .I am not returning . So its better for you to forget me .
I still don’t know how the words were coming out from my mouth . Each words were killing me a thousand times . But what I was doing ; was for her good . Please don’t do it !!!
She hold my hands .
Let go of me . PLEASE FOR GOD”S SAKE !!!!!!!!!!!
I can not live without you .
Those were the last words I said to her .
Then Die !!!!!!!!!!!!. That day she called me 86 times . I didn’t respond . I had to be hard . If I get weak it will be not good for her . She can’t get anything from a man whose one foot is already in the grave and the other foot is going to be . I cant give her the life she wants . IT IS HER RIGHT . I CANT TAKE IT from her . but I am afraid it has to be given by someone else . Someone who loves her even more than me . I have to find that person .
Next morning I got a text from Rachel .
Hurry!!!!!Jane’s home . Its urgent .
I rushed there . It was crowded with many people . I heard someone crying . Probably Jane’s mother .
But why???I met Jane’s father . he told me not to go there . he hold my hands . begged me not to go there . I wish I had listened to him . I saw which I shouldn’t have seen . Jane’s body was lying on the floor . The floor was flooded with blood .
She killed herself . JANE KILLED HERSELF !!!!!!!!!!
It was like to be falling from the sky . I was not me anymore . I was already a dead man . I had three months to live . I thought I will spend those three months with the memories of her . But she left me & went to the place from none returns . Jane I love you !!!!. Jane !!!!!!!!!!!! Jane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My crying was not enough to bring her back . I don’t know how long I was there . I didn’t went to put her in the grave . I didn’t saw the last of her . My love was gone . The person I breath for was gone . The person who was the reason for me to live was gone .
Rachel gave me a note . Jane left it to me
Dear Ray I know its against the law of the ALMIGHTY but I don’t have any other option . I know you wont be here to see this . I cant live without you . That’s why I have to do this . Whatever you feel about me I just don’t care . I love you and I just cant live without you . I wish we could be together . I still don’t know how things between us changed . Did I do something wrong???? If I did then please forgive me . For me living without u is like dying every moment . So I decided to die once and for all . I just wanted a little place in you heart . I guess its not possible . I cant imagine my life without you Because .WITHOUT YOU THERE IS NO LOVE & WITHOUT LOVE THERE IS NO LIFE Jane Sarah Smith I put that note in my pocket . cause I don’t want to wet it by my tears . The tears mean nothing to me . I am lucky that I am going to meet her afterlife & its going to be soon . I wish the tumor kills me right now. My mobile phone rang .
Hello!! Who is it???
Mr Ray!!!! I am Dr Jones . We gave you a wrong information . You don’t have a tumor . Your report was exchanged with another one . It was just because of weakness . You have nothing to worry.
Mr Ray??? Mr Ray???.
The sun looks amazing from the seashore. The sea which has everything in its body. Who knows??? Perhaps it also have love .The sun is about to set . Everyone is returning to their homes ; to their loved ones . But I had only one whom I could say my own , my loved one. . Now I am going to return to my loved one . I know what to do.