Linguistic Intelligence * involves understanding the order and meaning of words in both speech and writing and how to properly use the language.
Musical Intelligence * the ability to understand and create music. * deals with the whole realm of sound, tones, beats, and vibration patterns * Musicians, composers and dancers show a higher musical intelligence
Spatial Intelligence
* the ability to "think in pictures," to perceive the visual world accurately, and recreate (or alter) it in the mind or on paper. * Spatial intelligence is highly developed in artists, architects, designers and sculptors
Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
* the ability to use one's body in a skilled way, for self-expression or toward a goal. Mimes, dancers, basketball players, and actors are among those who display bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Interpersonal Intelligence
* an ability to perceive and understand other individuals -- their moods, desires, and motivations. Political and religious leaders, skilled parents and teachers, and therapists use this intelligence.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
* an understanding of one's own emotions. Some novelists and or counsellors use their own experience to guide others.
Naturalist Intelligence
* involves the full range of knowing that occurs in and through our encounters with the natural world including our recognition, appreciation, and understanding of the natural environment.
2. Definition : i) Conservation
- The realisation that objects or sets of objects stay the same even when they are changed about or made to look different.
ii) Egocentrism (egosentrisme) * The belief that you are the centre of the universe and everything revolves around you: the corresponding inability o see the world as someone else does and adopt it. * Not moral selfishness, just an early stage f psychological