Worked with Alfred Binet on parts of the first intelligent test
Criticized for doing research on own children
Structuralist – universal stages of psychological development, each stage represents a qualitative difference –the way a person thinks or solves a conflict
Universal Constructiveness – the stages of development are universal and the child constructs his development.
Schema –patterns of organize thought and behavior
Internalize or Interiorize Scheme
Assimilation: when you learn from a existing scheme; ex: baby learns a rubber doll is soft and pliable by sucking on it
Accommodation: child changes his ways to make sense out of it; modify a scheme to incorporate new information; child creates a new cognitive structure to deal with new information: ex: a child who is bottled fed must learn to drink from a cup
Assimilation and Accommodation occurs simultaneously. Human strive for equilibration between the two the balance.
Founder of Genetic Epistemology – the philosophy of the nature of knowledge
Stages: S-P-C-F
Sensorimotor Stage : Birth to 2 years
Sucking or grasping, motor activity, simple reflexes
Object Permanence (Symbolic or Representational Thought) – occurs between 9th and 12th month: object continues to exist even when they can’t see them. A child who has mastered this know that something exist even though they can’t see it. Causality and Space. The child learns time – one thing comes before another
Preoperational (a thought) Stage: ages 2 to 7 (Micah)
Child develops language;
Egocentrism: child lacks the ability to see another’s person view.
Ex: the rain is following me
Centration: focus on one key part of an object and forgetting about the rest;
Symbolic Play: ability to use symbols and language, a playdoh can become a mountain
A child can not comprehend the reversal of actions
Concrete Operational Stage: ages 7 to 11 (Malachi)
Counting begins in this