Lt Game
For the Littlefield Technologies Game 1, we have got $1269200 in cash and rank number three at the end. My teammates Ruoxing Zhao, YiLin Luo, and Dong yang can help with each other and solve difficult situations together. We totally bought six machines, three for station 1, two for station 2, and one for station 3. When we decided to purchase machine for three stations on day 66, we calculated the capacity rate for each station. We knew that we late for other groups for purchasing machine already. Then we saw the rank of team, we feel worry about the rank. So we decided purchase machine right now. Station 1 has the lowest capacity rate, and already saturation for one machine. And it has the most jobs waiting in the buffer, so we bought it first to see if whether it will get better or not. After one hours which is on the day 67 of the Game, when we had our group meeting, we found that the data is not change, so that mean we should add more machine in station 1. We decided to purchase 2 machines station 1 again totally 4 machines, because it has the closest full capacity rate compares to other two machines.
After that we found the capacity rate is decrease about 0.978, so we know we purchase correct quantity of machines in the station 1. Then we purchase two machines totally three machines in stations and 1 machine total two machines in stations 3 through team discussed and analyzed. In this process, my team’s rank from 10 to 2, which are very exciting to every group members. Although in the last of the process, my team’s capacity rare was a little bit low, we decided not purchase extra machine because we didn’t want to risk. During 217 day, we knew the game would end after several days, so we decided to sale one machine in each station totally three machines. This way can let my team have a biggest profit in the end of process.
If I can play this game again, the most part of plan can same as before. In my opinion, I can purchase more machines in stations 1,