June 25, 1865 would be the last morning that Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) George Armstrong Custer and the …show more content…
They left one officer’s badly wounded horse, named Comanche, which managed to survive. Many years afterward Comanche appeared in 7th Cavalry parades, saddled but rider less.” LTC Custer’s body would be recovered by the U.S. Army and sent to West Point, New York where he would be laid to rest. Below is a picture of his statute at United States Military Academy.
One person in particular that survived the battle and requested an investigation to be conducted was Major Reno. “In the spring of 1879 a Court of Inquiry sat in lengthy session in Chicago’s old Palmer House, reviewing the battle from testimony presented by all available survivors of the Seventh Cavalry. Reno was eventually cleared of willful disobedience of orders, but the taint of cowardice and dishonor clung to his name until his death several years later in a Washington …show more content…
But a lot of controversy was brewing over the monuments and statutes being built in his honor. History will never be as accurate as one person tends to presume it. Many Historians of earlier generations to include ours, will always have different observations of what really happened on June 25, 1876. We all can agree that the Battle of Little Big Horn was one of many devastating loses that the U.S. Army has encountered to this day. Yes, we can acquire lessons learned and apply the knowledge as military leaders to never make the same mistake like LTC Custer did. People need to understand that at one time he was recognized as the greatest Indian killer of all time, but did he live up to that title? Many people believed his killing numbers included women, children and elders compared to the number population killed on the battlefield. We can review actual documentation from the General Terry and the 7th Cavalry which would be the most accurate data but, we can never agree on an accurate conclusion on why he made the choices he made which cost him the lives of his men. The United States would continue their march out west and acquire more territory through payment or treaties being signed. After the Battle of Little Bighorn, the U.S. Army thought twice about getting involved in another conflict with Indians. The threat of the Indian presence in the region would be there but the