Since we, as humans, will seek equilibrium through any means necessary, even if it’s using another human who has their own idea of equilibrium, we will use him or her to any means necessary. In Damien Memorial School, there are a variety of ways to do this. You could try to seek solace in the fact that your education will bring about a better and balanced future for you; your teachers are there to give you that education, while also gaining income for their daily life and family. Then there are those who come to the school to build relationships. It could be a romantic or platonic relationship, it doesn’t matter. They just want someone to relate to, someone they think they can trust. A lot of the time, both tend to seek mutual support, meaning both feed off of the other for their interactions. Although, this could be one sided sometimes, meaning that one could feed off another, leaving the other completely dry… Almost like a terrifying parasite. It would leech off of the other one for money, fame or even a one-sided romantic relationship. Damien Memorial School is of course where this happens, it’s basically a big old social hub for everyone. It is also the house for some pretty nasty rumours of certain students. Quite a few of them are rude individuals, who spread rumours about others just to see the fire
Since we, as humans, will seek equilibrium through any means necessary, even if it’s using another human who has their own idea of equilibrium, we will use him or her to any means necessary. In Damien Memorial School, there are a variety of ways to do this. You could try to seek solace in the fact that your education will bring about a better and balanced future for you; your teachers are there to give you that education, while also gaining income for their daily life and family. Then there are those who come to the school to build relationships. It could be a romantic or platonic relationship, it doesn’t matter. They just want someone to relate to, someone they think they can trust. A lot of the time, both tend to seek mutual support, meaning both feed off of the other for their interactions. Although, this could be one sided sometimes, meaning that one could feed off another, leaving the other completely dry… Almost like a terrifying parasite. It would leech off of the other one for money, fame or even a one-sided romantic relationship. Damien Memorial School is of course where this happens, it’s basically a big old social hub for everyone. It is also the house for some pretty nasty rumours of certain students. Quite a few of them are rude individuals, who spread rumours about others just to see the fire