If you desided to read on to find out how cutting down the tree's are killing us then here you go.By cutting down the tree's you are huting the oxegyen flow.when they cut down the trees's that gets rid of the oxygen that flows through them that …show more content…
when you cut the tree's down that gets rid of the water held by the tree. that means less and less water will run down the rivers lakes,people animals and plants will suffer if the deforestation does'nt stop now.If you still don't think that none of this matters then lets put it like this. If they do not stop deforestation then the water cycle will be broken and that means that the water percentage will go down less and less each year. Then little by little the water will run less in the rivers and lakes. That being said one day we will have no water percentage in the earth and whats gonna happen then once all the resources are gone and then one by one we will go down in population so what happens then we all die out.
So as i said in the begging i am in every part of my heart i am agaisnt deforestation.So if you still dont care that you just waisted 5-10 minuets of your life and think that this will never happen come and find me when the world is ending because of deforestation i will be right here telling you i told you