First Part: The industry of the luxury.
1 - History of the luxury
2 - General characteristics of the luxury.
3 - Principal actors of the luxury.
Second Part : luxury brands and general public.
1 - Identity of brand
2 - Communication of the luxury brands.
Strategy of the means
3 - Luxury and general public
One can describe as luxury all that exceeds the bare essential. It covers all that one considers superfluous and useless. But in the usual direction, luxury means ostentation and refinement in the manners of living (art of the table, elegant toilet, sumptuous decoration ). The luxury discusses and is acquired by great expenditure.
The philosophers of the Lights had divergent opinions concerning the luxury. Voltaire considered that that represented an essential support of the economy. Rousseau as for him saw the luxury like a principle of exploitation of the small people and the spring of all perversions, because the luxury is made to be admired, it dazzles.
We will see through our study how much industry luxury is a singular world in our economy: with very consequent sales turnovers, actors gathered in great powerful groups. We will also be interested in the luxury brands: with the identity of brands, the targets of those.
Finally we will analyze the risks for the luxury brand to fall into the hands of standard population. Isn 't the luxury in the street for the greatest number, recent phenomenon, likely you it not to carry damage to the brands? These problems deserve to be posed because it returns to the identity and the image which the luxury brand wishes to give to itself
The industry of the luxury
Until the Middle Ages the writings tell us luxury which it was the reflection of the religious mystery which pushes the man to be exceeded by an offering or a sign. We will see how much the
Bibliography: ALLERES, Danielle. Luxe, stratégie Marketing. Economica, 1990. CASTAREDE, Jean. Le luxe. Que sais-je, collection encyclopédique, 2003. HAIE, Valérie. Donnez-nous notre luxe quotidien. Gualino, 2002. MARCHAND, Stéphane. Les guerres du luxe. Fayard, 2002.