When the bacterium that causes Lymphogranuloma Venereum enters your body symptoms can be found within only a few days but also may remain dormant inside your body for up to as long as an entire month. SOme the early symptoms that can occur within only a few days are your lymph nodes on your genitals draining a fluid, Bowel movements which cause major pain, you may find small sores on your genitals which will not cause any pain to yourself. SOme other symptoms that may occur after some time are swelling and redness in the area of your groin, a womans labia swelling, swollen lymph nodes around groin and anus, lastly you may find blood or pus coming from in your rectum. These are all going to tip offs to know if you have this infection and should see a doctor. (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000634.htm) …show more content…
Once you seek a doctor's help, which can be any doctor in your area, most likely you will be prescribed antibiotics such as doxycycline and erythromycin.
If you do not seek medical after a year it can cause major issues within your body. You genitals and rectal area will begin to swell rapidly which in turn causes the structures within these areas to become constricted. This can cause major issues and they if left untreated can cause permanent damage. If permanent damage does occur, you may need to have surgery to correct it.
To prevent ever getting Lymphogranuloma Venereum, a sexually transmitted disease, you should perform safe sex but the best option is sexual abstinence, or the act of restraining yourself from having sexual contact. If you do not do these things you may receive the std from someone else and before symptoms occur it could get passed onto someone (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000634.htm)