The Peloponnesian war has been going on for eighteen long years and the beautiful Lysistrata in common with the other wives of Athens, is tired of the absence of their warrior husbands. She decides that it is time to bring an end to this situation by boycotting their husbands from their wives love. Lysistrata gathered the women of Athens and told them about her plan of how she’s going to end this situation and some of the women argued over and over, but the beautiful Lysistrata managed to persuade the women to be on her side.
Lysistrata’s plan to end the Peloponnesian war was great and came in handy after all the effort Lysistrata put in to make it work, but what’s going on now in the 21st century cannot be stopped by small boycotts to which Lysistrata did. Boycotting plays a great role in solving problems but what is happening in Syria or any different country with political problems cannot be solved unless the boycott plays a huge role in the matter. For instance, Syria’s situation hasn’t been stable for the past 2-3 months which has put the world in risk of a new war that could damage a lot and kill thousands of innocent people. If boycotts were suggested for this matter, boycotting countries could lead into peace, because allied countries can cause major problems to other countries, which leads into war.
Lysistrata’s plan was successful because the men were driven by sex and it eventually caused them to reach an agreement with the women. The hardest objective for Lysistrata was convincing the women to agree to remain abstinence. Lysistrata wants the women to step out of their comfort zone as women to help end the Peloponnesian war in Greece. Lysistrata seems to be the only woman who understands the big picture of her plan.
To achieve the success Lysistrata succeeded we need to imagine our plan out before making it happen, because imagination is more powerful and important than knowledge. The more accurately and vividly we imagine our