For this task you need to research and produce a written report which compares historical and current features of public health measures/strategies used in the past, drawing attention to the way in which the strategies are similar and different..
You need to identify and describe the similarities and differences in historical and current health issues for example the persistence of health inequalities and the reasons for this, (www.salfordstrategichealth plan 2013). Also use evidence from
How the government responds to actual or perceived threats to the health of everyone, rather than specific groups of individuals
The comparison could consider differences in the challenges faced, their relative importance, how some challenges remain and the new ones that are emerging today compared with the past.
1- Introduction... in this report i am going to look at the similarities and differences...
2- Historical and current health issues similarities and differences (communicable diseases vs lifestyle choices). Life expectancy and death rates.
3- Persistence of health inequality and reasons for this OHN and salford strategic health plan 2009
4- Differences in challenges faced some remain the same, some new one, some happening. Government tries to tackle
5- How government responses to actual or perceived threats to health (obesity and Ebola) what have they done? Changing people’s behavior, changing child’s diet in schools and hospitals. Obesity leads to lots of health problems.
6- Similarities and differences in health measures (what the government is doing)- table page 115 chapter 2. Comparing the table, what the government did in 19 century and now, using statistics. Ages groups, social class, ethnic groups, location. Developed technology, more and new health programs. 19 century didn’t do a lot , didn’t set targets etc