DUE: Nov. 12
You are required to write a four-page comparative essay using notes, the textbook, and primary documents. For the purpose of this course, you are required to analyze both similarities and differences between two historical forces. You have three options.
You can compare and contrast
(1) The historical influence of Christianity in the West (Europe and the Americas) and in Africa and Asia
(2) The scientific accomplishments that came out of Europe and Asia in the post-1648 world or
(3) The global effects of democracy and authoritarianism in the twentieth century.
You must cite any ideas that are not your own or which are not common knowledge. All quotations and close paraphrases require citations. Failure to cite constitutes plagiarism, which is a violation of the university honor code.
You should use parenthetical citations for the textbook. For example, (Duiker, 567).
There is no need to cite me for any information from class lectures. By convention, you are the owner of your notes.
Copying and pasting something word-for-word from the internet is not allowed and will result in a “0” for the paper and possibly failure of the course.