Due to the unfortunate history of diminishing populations of the local Native Americans during the Historical period of the San Diego region, there is very little ethnographic information about the coastal Kumeyaay. Due to the lesser amount of early extraneous invasion of the mountain and desert regions, the Kumeyaay people of these two regions were better able to preserve their cultural traditions and therefore much more ethnographic information is available to this day. Consequently, this report best represents the ethnohistory of the preserved mountain and desert Kumeyaay, with very little specific ethnography of the coastal communities.…
For my ethnography paper I have decided to sit and observe the Chubby's restaurant located on 38th and Pecos. The place is always packed with people, whether its two in the afternoon or two in the morning. With that being said, I can easily observe hundred of clientele with hundreds of different attitudes and characteristics. North Denver has a notorious history, is rich in culture, holds thousands of stories and Chubby's happens to be at the center of it all, I would like to convey this with more detail in my ethnography paper. Chubby's has been around for almost 50 years, its almost like a monument of the North Side and its only right that I write this paper.…
* Phenotype: refers to an organism’s evident traits, its “manifest biology”—anatomy and physiology. Human display hundreds of evident (detectable) physical traits. They range from skin color, hair form, eye color, and facial features (which are visible ) to blood groups and enzyme production (which become evident through testing)…
v Bernal Diaz: an early conquistador (1492-ca. 1581), he called azec music the poorest art…
Specifically, Boas, in The Methods of Ethnology, argued against the various traditional evolutionary theories proposed by Morgan, Marx, Tylor and Spencer. Stating simply that these theories had a particular resilience, but lacked any sort of empirical evidence, Boas argued that the evolutionary theory was based on the counterfactual assumption that our culture was the most advanced and all others were merely following us (Boas, 134). After attacking the diffusionists by noting that their data was not competent enough, methodological difficulties, he responded to the view that historical particularism (Historical particularism argued that each society is a collective representation of its unique historical past. It showed that societies could reach the same level of cultural development through different paths) was atheoretical. How things are and how they come to exist can give only broad outlines of chronological events. Hence cultures are dynamic and in constant flux; every phenomenon is not only an effect, but also a cause. (Boas, 137) A point, taken to the extreme by Kroeber, but also put forth by Boas was that certain problems may be solved in only particular ways. Because humans are similar in their ``infrastructure'', they would tend to solve these problems in similar ways, leading towards the creation of similar traits. Hence, it is not about cultural achievement, but rather about particular conditions that exist at the moment when the new effect is obtained…
The Mexican culture is a very distinct culture. Over the break I was fortunate enough to visit Tijuana, Mexico and analyze the cultural differences represented at the border. The way that I traveled to Mexico was by walking across the border at the San Diego/Tijuana joint border location. In doing so I was able to actively participate and evaluate the cultural clashes and intensification in this border “society” environment.…
4. Kella: menstruating women were not allowed to work on a sacred/holy site (social taboo of stakeholders)…
Anthropology proves to be satisfying and intellectually fulfilling to many in the field. However, there are also many challenges and bumps in the road along the way. Napolean A. Chagnon and Claire Sterk faced many of these challenges themselves. During his fieldwork with the Yanomamo, Chagnon faced many challenges interacting with the natives.…
Wacquant also followed the anthropological method of participant observation and the creation of an ethnography, despite some notable differences in the scope of his research. While Malinowski traveled across the world and immersed himself fully in the foreign culture of the Trobriand Islanders, living in their homes and learning their language, Wacquant stayed within Western society, living in his own city and residing in his own home. Despite this, however, Loïc Wacquant still managed to immerse himself fully into a culture foreign from his own, one that he would never be able to fully understand without he himself participating in it, that of the black amateur boxers living in the Chicago ghetto. For 13 months, Wacquant practiced boxing with the men of the Boys Club boxing club in Woodlands, Chicago where, through personal participation, he was able to observe this subculture, their social hierarchies, interactions, implicit rules and thus understand the impact of boxing on their plights as individuals and as a marginalized group.…
For Part 2 of my Ethnography exercise, I chose to go to the Village Tavern in Carol Stream. I was with my family each time I went there. The main reason I chose to tell about my experience and observation there is that I didn’t think anybody else would choose this and my family’s interactions with the people and staff there were different each time.…
Ethnography is a type of social science research that investigates the practices and life of a community, by becoming one of its members. It is based on learning about a context and the people living in it, by understanding their values, needs and vocabulary. It requires faithful reporting of what is experienced or observed, avoiding any interpretation or evaluation as far as possible.…
As I began this assignment I wasn’t completely sure what concept I was going to observe. In result, I went to a location without knowing what exactly I was looking for, I just observed my surroundings immensely. As I sat there in Starbucks for over an hour I felt a bit out of luck since nothing was catching my eye that would relate to a concept that we had learned about within the past few weeks. This is until a man in his early 20’s entered the Starbucks on Lexington and 55th, did my assumptions quickly change.…
Adding another stop to your trip to the Pyrenees is the dazzling Pyrenees National Park, where you can experience the highest railroad in the world. You begin your ride at a ski station and make your way on a 50 minute journey to Lake Artouste, which is a wonderful spot for a picnic. On the train you will witness beautiful sceneries during the ride which is truly fascinating and worth the 50 minute ride in itself. (National Park) The Pyrenees national park is truly a beauty and is one of the numerous highlights of the Pyrenees.…
I decided to study the unique culture that comes from students attending and participating in beauty school. I was able to observe and participate in some of the services that were offered at Sherman Kendall Academy on 700 East and 2300 South Sugarhouse Utah. I observed the way students interact with each other, clients, and the instructors at the school. The purpose of ethnographic observation is to understand the culture that is Beauty School.…
*When I chose Sociology as my major there were many things going on in my life. Around that time I was considering dropping my degree in Information Technology and school all together. For a good portion of my life I never could have imagined myself being a college student. In fact I did not wish to be a student. I only became a student because Georgia Military College was offering free tuition for students freshly out of highschool. That just so happened to fit my description at the time. So I signed up despite not having any degree or career in mind. I never expected to actually enjoy learning so much especially the liberal studies. I ended up continuing past the 1st free semester because I was enjoying all my studies. It always occurred…