Despite these powerful feelings of angst towards Macbeth and his wife, the initial impression we get of Macbeth differs greatly from our concluding opinion. In Macbeths opening soliloquy he demonstrates his inner thoughts by admitting ‘ I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition which o’erleaps the pretender’ Shakespeare illurstrates a esstentailly worthy and good man at this point as Macbeth admits that he has no intentions on killing the king as it would only fufil his own selfish motives. Macbeths fatal flaw of ambition is also revealved at this point as he lacks the aggression which would help him strive for his greater glory to be king. However, these admirable qualities are dashed with the entrances of Macbeths wife, Lady Macbeth who should surprise the audience with her extremely controversial character traits. Noticing her husbands weaknesses, Lady Macbeth used extremely disturbing imagery and provocative language in a bid to convince her husband to kill the king , Duncan. She says ‘ I have given suck and know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me. I would…dash’d the brains out had I so sworn as you have done to this’ Lady Macbeths reveals that should would go to unimagineable lengeths for her husband but while he is this nervous and worthy man, she seems to be ashamed of him. The audience however should realise that Lady Macbeths ruthless personality and harshness towards her husband only exists because she wants her husbands to strive and achieve the best. At no point does she show any self ambition to be queen. Lady Macbeths persuasive language, results in Macbeths change of mind when he says “And if we should fail.” This suggests that Macbeth can only offer practical objections in oppose to moral one to match his previously moral nature. At this point, the reader should feel a strong sense of irration for Lady Macbeth for convincing her husband to commit such a horrendous act, but should also be surprised by the power she holds in the relationship. We should also feel resentment towards Macbeth for not being strong or brave enough to stand up to his wife and stick to his initial decision.
We should continue to feel irritation towards Macbeth as he lets power and confidence get the better of him. When asking her husband what his next plans are, Macbeth completely patronsises Lady Macbeth, telling her “to be innocent of the knowledge dearest chuck” This implies that Macbeth feels he no longer needs Lady Macbeth- the brains behind the entitre plan- and he begins to take the upper hand, assuming that she will step down. Shakespeare creates a reveral of character qualities at this point as previously, Lady Macbteth has control in the relationship but now Macbeth seems to be the one with greater evil and motive to fufil his goal as king. A newly found confidence in Macbeth is revealed to the audience as this point, which should lead us to contempt as the previously moral and “Worthy Macbeth” now seems to abandoned and replaced with a narcissistic character.