1. Called “The Scottish Play” because it is doomed to say Macbeth in the theatre
2. Some say the curse it tied to the witches that appear in the play, or that is goes back to the first play where they used real swords resulting in a bloody mess
3. Is William’s last tragedy and possible his darkest
4. Was first published in the First Folio in 1623
5. First performance was between 1603-1605
6. We know not when the first performance actually was, but that it was performed on April 20, 1611
(1-6 from http://msnoel.com/Macbeth/Macbeth.htm)
7. Was written for James I after the death of Queen Elizabeth
(7 from http://library.thinkquest.org/2888/)
8. Believed to be first printed in 1623
9. Most important characters are Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and the three witches
10. There was a real Macbeth who had the throne of Scotland in 1040 after killing his cousin Duncan in battle
11. Duncan’s oldest son, Malcolm III ended Macbeth’s reign in 1057
(8-11 form http://www.william-shakespeare.info/shakespeare-play-macbeth.htm)
12. The tone is dark, ominous, suggested of a world turned upside down by foul and unnatural crimes
13. Motifs used are the supernatural, hallucinations, violence, and prophecy
14. Symbols are blood, the dagger Macbeth sees before killing Duncan, and the weather
(12-14 from http://macbeth050.tripod.com/id9.html)
15. The bloody battle in act 1 foreshadows the bloody deaths later on
16. When Macbeth “hears” a voice when killing Duncan, it foreshadows the insomnia that plagues Lady Macbeth and Macbeth
17. All witch prophecies foreshadow later events
(15-17 from http:// http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/macbeth/)
18. Based Macbeth on real events in Scottish history
19. Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy
20. Macbeth has inspired movies, operas, and numerous parodies
21. All female parts were played by boys-first person to play Lady Macbeth was probably played