
Macbeth Is A Man Of Great Power And Nobility

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Macbeth Is A Man Of Great Power And Nobility
In the play Macbeth, we see that Macbeth is a man of great power and nobility. He is high up in the rankings and is looking forward to a possible opportunity in which is dangerous but presented to him by three witches. The three witches tell him that he shall murder King Duncan and he will be King. One flaw to this golden opportunity is that of what will happen afterwards such as he will die and his best friend Banquo’s child will take the throne, who is not born of women, which is inferring a c-section, and that his downfall of this madness, later on, includes the “forest moving” which is camouflage of an invading army in which belongs to his son, Malcolm, who succeeded Macbeth. Overall, throughout the course of Macbeth, it is observed …show more content…
The first explanation is very vague but he realizes that his wife, Lady Macbeth, knows by what means that they will usurp this power: the death of King Duncan. Macbeth being the logical man that he is thinking about how nobody in the nation would want to kill Duncan. This is a big issue for Macbeth because he realizes that whoever would kill Duncan would have direct and immediate attention because everyone else in the land of Scotland would be out to kill his foe. Duncan is a great king and is very loved by his people to whom which he brings great prosperity in the nation. Macbeth sees this as an issue but Lady Macbeth is headstrong and believes that someone may discover them plotting rather than committing the action. Also in Act one Scene seven of the play, Lady Macbeth questions Macbeth's manhood by saying “When you durst do it, then you were a man.” This is a blow to MacBeth which really pushes him over to kill Duncan out of insecurity. Macbeth does not like what Lady Macbeth says but she gets him to do what she wants him to do. She even seems to want the power of being queen more but she goes about the process of doing so in a very irrational way. She even includes a quote about how she wants to lose the ability to have a passion for life by saying “Unsex me here” in Act one Scene five. This really shows that Macbeth is pushed around like a doll to Lady Macbeth who …show more content…
He realizes that someone either will kill him or will take over him after he is gone. Macbeth, wanting to maximize his time with Lady Macbeth and his power, eliminates any threat that he sees fit. One line from another movie really just stuck out that perfectly describes this situation. As said by Harvey Dent, also known later as Two-Face, in the Dark Knight movie “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” This perfectly describes how Macbeth was a great hero in his nation as a warrior going around killing those who threatened Scotland by slicing people from the lower abdomen all the way through the neck and putting peoples heads on spikes. He was a great ruthless killer who used his abilities for the betterment of Scotland. Macbeth has now turned a cold shoulder to Scotland now as he desires more to take from it and will take advantage of those who built him up to what he was before: the hero of Scotland and the hero of the people. This that promote this would be his killing of Banquo because he does not want his son Fleance to become king. After hearing that the Forest would move and there would be a new king, he tries to kill both, but only Fleance survives, tipping his hand and missing the prize. This looks very bad as he also has additional nightmares afterward not only for now killing the honorable king Duncan but his

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