Both Machiavelli and Shakespeare knew that it matters how a leader portrays himself to the public. Machiavelli thought that it was important for a leader to appear to be good in public, and hide his bad qualities from his people. "...he should seem to be all mercy, faith, integrity, humanity, and religion....Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are, and those few will not dare oppose themselves to the many...". (Machiavelli 15) Machiavelli used diction to portray what a leader should be like in the old ages, such as; having mercy, faith, and religion. He also says that you should at least pretend to show some of these qualities to your people. As Machiavelli writes, Macbeth talks about hiding his dark self to the world.
"MACBETH [aside]: The Prince of Cumberland-that is a step/ On which I
must fall down or else o 'erleap/ For in my way it lies. Stars hide your fires / Let not light see my black and deep desires/ The eye wink at the hand; yet be/ Which the eye fears, when it is don 't to see". (1.4 49-54)
Like Machiavelli 's idea to hide your dishonest self, Macbeth reassures himself to do so. Macbeth 's use of metaphors such as light versus dark, emphasized