The Prince reflects the context of Florence’s limited military and economic power in a fragmented Italy and threatened by surrounding states and country
Shakespeare’s focus is characterisation and valuing honour and loyalty to the monarch in the context of performance
Both composers recognise substantial internal and external threats and the need for a powerful leader capable of controlling and engaging aristocracy while manipulating the masses
Machiavelli – a diplomat exposed to decadent, cynical of the true nature of humanity, reflecting darker aspects of Humanism that man is essentially corrupt, self-serving and treacherous
Machiavelli’s purpose was to regain his position in the court and recognition for his knowledge
Shakespeare, writing for public performance and a heterogeneous audience was influenced by a more benign attitude towards humanity representing man as potentially noble, loyal and selfless
Machiavelli’s context and purpose influenced his choice of textual form and features = simple prose filled with facts and specific anecdotes about historical and contemporary leaders for credibility – PERSUADE
Cynical tone and pragmatic attitude to morality subverted overt conform to public attitudes and values
Julius Caesar, a historical tragedy appeals to an audience fearing Elizabeth 1 imminent death without an heir and consequence civil war, religious conflict and external threats. embodies his values in distinctive, engaging, contrasting characters and their relationship with each other
Both composers reflect their realities and resultant attitudes to human
Machiavelli’s honesty ironically undermined his aim of returning to court
Machiavelli and Shakespeare both share a didactic purpose, advocating an absolute monarch a powerful military force
Both focus on the power of the people as the only constant and the importance of placating yet controlling them
The composers