
Macbeth Superstition

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Out of Control The article The Curse of the Play was an insightful and enjoyable read. The main focus of this article was on the play “Macbeth” and how it is supposedly cursed. The curse allegedly ranges from dramatic events happening during the production of the play, to just the superstition of saying the title of the play in any theatre. For instance, multiple people have died suddenly during dress rehearsals, showings, and just general association. “Hal Berrige was to play Lady Macbeth at the play's opening act.”, but he never made it to the stage. (Faires Par 2) Hal passed away from a deadly fever. Much like throwing a pinch of salt over one's shoulder, if an individual says the forbidden title inside a theatre and wants to rid himself of the negativity swarming upon them, they must choose …show more content…

I believe that superstitions are, for the most part, a method of man to control the uncontrollable parts of life. In relativity to humans, animals act on mostly impulses. Animals seem to be doing just fine without the concept of time, reality, religion, superstitions, currency, and advancement beyond ourselves. A “superstition” that I have relates to pole vaulting. I think it is more of a habit, or compulsive attempt at manipulate variables such as luck. Whenever I switch a hand grip, or switch to a new pole, I must freshly chalk my hands. If I do not follow through with this ritual, my jump may suffer. Though, my jumps do not seem to be affected when I forget, or chose not to re-apply chalk to my hands. “knocking on wood” is a superstition that individuals follow today. If one says that something negative is going to happen, another person, if present, may say “knock on wood” and proceed to knock on the nearest piece of wood. This is supposed to prevent the unwanted outcome from coming

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