Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. In Scene I, Macbeth asks Banquo to meet him later for "some words." What incentive does he offer Banquo? How does Banquo reply? Macbeth offered Banquo was that he will honor him if he agrees to stand by him.
2. Why, according to Lady Macbeth, was she unable to kill Duncan herself? Which tasks related to the murder does she perform? What does this inability to kill Duncan show about her character? Why?-according to Lady Macbeth, was she unable to kill Duncan herself? Which?- tasks related to the murder does she perform? What?- B/c her husband had agreed to do so, she does everything else except actually killing Duncan.
3. After Macbeth does kill Duncan, he goes temporarily insane, professing "But wherefore could not I pronounce "Amen"?/ I had most need of blessing, and 'Amen'/ Stuck in my throat." What does his reaction indicate about his character? Why is he so concerned about this inability to say "amen"? Macbeth wants to say amen to their prayers but he can’t because he is killing Duncan & if Lady Macbeth was there she could have said it, but he knows that he is doing something bad and Lady Macbeth doesn’t mind it.
4. In Scene 2, how does Macbeth respond to Lady Macbeth's suggestion that he go wash the "filthy witness" from his hands? That he should go wash his “Filthy Witness” from his hands by saying that he will never wash it off and that it will stain the waters of the world.
5. Even though Lady Macbeth does not kill Duncan, she is culpable because she made the plan, drugged the guards, and she did two other things in this scene. What are they? She puts the knives on the guards
6. Macbeth's parting words to the gate in Act II, scene ii comment "Wake Duncan with they knocking! I would thou couldst!" What does he mean by this? He tries to realize what he and Lady Macbeth have done and he is saying that he wishes he could wake Duncan up.
7. What is the