
Macbeth's Strengths And Weaknesses

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Macbeth's Strengths And Weaknesses
It has been a little while since the end of Macbeth’s tyranny over Scotland. Since then, me {{I}} Malcolm, Duncan’s eldest son has taken up the throne in his place. Aside from the recent events a lot has changed and had to have been done to maintain the order over Scotland after things unfolded. Since Macduff has slain Macbeth he has taken the spot not only remaining to be Thane of Fife but also head of the military in Scotland on top of that. The support from the English army to overthrow Macbeth was not short term as it was supposed to be but continued for the time being as we regain control and keep order over Scotland until we have the strength and men to hold the cities on our own.
I have begun to recruit more guards and heighten taxes until we have enough money to rebuild and restore the former glory of Scotland. This situation is due to the abuse of Macbeth’s previous power costing us great amounts of money and time that wouldn’t have been if not for Macbeth’s constant
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Macduff, after our men and military were mustered, forced the English army out of our territory and avoided further conflict with a treaty and by regulating the relationship so there were no further exploits between us. The more things that we accomplish the less money we have needed. As time goes on and on and things keep going according to plan the taxes were lowered because there was no need to rebuild further. Along with no need for excess guards some of the Soldiers are taking up different jobs due to the time of peace there is no need for a military at hand. Macduff and my other allies such as my brother Donalbain have proved to be most helpful in times of peace as well being my most trusted advisors and helping keep order and foreign relations in their best shape

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