Killing and death is a major part of this book because they all show Macbeth’s uncontrolled ambition. The first death, perhaps the most important, is King Duncan who died a merciless death to the hands of Macbeth. This death is vital to the story due to the fact that this is what allows Macbeth to become king. There is also the death of Banquo and Lady Macduff, who were killed just as brutally. This quite evidently shows how thirsty he was for power and how far he would go to keep it. Not only did he kill men and women, he went as far as murdering innocent children. This …show more content…
In some ways, she had even more malicious intents than Macbeth. This is seen when she pressures Macbeth to murder King Duncan and questions his manhood when Macbeth tries to retract from the brutal act. When Macbeth sees an apparition of Banquo, she consequently debates whether he is a man. Rather than allowing Macbeth to follow his good intentions, she pressured him onto the wrong path of constant guilt and despair. She too suffers from this as she is seen throughout the book feeling guilt and even sleepwalking with “blood on her hands”. All of this sorrow builds up to her death in the final chapters of the