A key to success is never let confidence over power you and lead you to failure. For Example, Steve Jobs was a shareholder and co creator for Apple but as soon as his confidence overpowered him his life fell apart. Jobs started trying to change things with the company without consulting with his partner so the company ,he helped create, …show more content…
fired him. Without his downfalls in life he probably would not be as successful and the man he is today. Everything happens for a reason is a huge paraphrase people use when something in life changes with no real explanation. In Steve Jobs Video he uses everything happens for a reason a lot because some of the events in his life had no real explanation. After losing his job Steve took it upon himself to better his life and go to school. His life prosfered for the better ,when he learned to control his confidence, he got a higher education and is a CCO for the company Pixar. At the end Jobs learned how to appreciate things while they last and not to let confidence over power you.
Many people might let confidence define who they are but on the other hand some people really never gain the confidence they need to succeed. A great example of this is women in the workforce. Sheryl Sandberg uses a example of this in her ted talk she states, “ After i said i would be only taking a few more questions every single female hand went down but male hands kept rising high in the air.” Women let men over power them and have a mindset that men are alway first. If an equal opportunity is given both to a man and woman a huge percent of women will give up the opportunity to a man because they the man will do a better job. Sheryl Sandberg's ted talk is all about women gaining the confidence they need and take a seat at the table. Sandberg Shared a personal story that explained sitting at the table she said, “ I attended a business meeting where i was the only female sitting at the big table with all men but i was not the only female in the room. The other females were off to the side in the corner being unnoticed.” As a female if you want to be noticed and a part of the plans for the business you need to make yourself noticeable so sit at the table where business is being discussed. If you have no confidence you will not go far in the world or succeed to your fullest.
Confidence is a way of life and how you get up in the world.
As a prince you have to have confidence or else the people might walk all over you. Machiavelli story “The Morals of the Prince”, talks about how a prince needs to be feared in order to have full power over his kingdom. With fear comes confidence because if you do not believe in yourself and show weakness people will not take you serious and try to over power you. Machiavelli states, “ a shrewd prince will lay his foundation on what is under his own control, not on what is controlled by others….”. I believe this quote states the issue of a prince being to nice and being taken over. If the ruler lets everyone have a say so in his rule then no one will come to an agreement and it will be unorganized. In the world if you’re to nice people will take advantage of you and you may never realize it until it’s too late. In the story The Morals of a Prince clearly states that most princes or Sergeants who’ve won wars did not have a reputation of being generous. This is true because if you feel bad or have sympathy you will come off as weak and a easy target. If you have confidence people already look at you as strong and it gives you an upper
If you want to succeed in your life you must first start with yourself and gain confidence. No matter if have downfalls, a women in the workforce, or a prince if you have confidence it will push yourself to succeed in your life. Whatever life throws at you confidence is a key to have a success life.