Thomas Paine says, “if there is a country in the world, where concord… would be least expected, it is America. Made up, as it is, of people from different nations, accustomed to different forms, and habits of government, speaking different languages… it would appear the union of such a people was impracticable;” America has always been home to foreigners coming for freedom. Today, instead of recognizing everyone as equal, we cater different “habits of government” to each race. In the name of unity, we create disunion. We create the idea of entitlement to privileges. By emphasizing differences and minimizing similarities, we do not protect those race’s rights, but merely isolate them from all others and do not create an “American people” but a “African-American” or a “Chinese American” or a “White American” or a “Hispanic American” people. I woke up early to go take the PSAT at school. As I sat in my desk, they began to call to our names and then ask us to fill out the bubble sheets. One of the sections asked us to bubble what race we were. How does this unite America? This simply identifies people with their color not with principle or truth of government, truth that this country…