Professor Taylor Wilkerson
Final Report, Group 3
Company Background
Maersk Group is a Danish company who has activities in a variety of business sectors, primarily within the transportation and energy sectors. It has been the largest container ship operator and supply vessel operator in the world since 1996 and a signatory to the UN Global Compact and its ten principles that guide corporate behavior in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption since 2009. Maersk is now working to implement the body’s Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership. With a detailed long-time strategy, Maersk is one of the leaders in sustainable development in the business world.
Safety is a core issue in Maersk’s business. It has been taken seriously that employees in Maersk can work safely and securely. The major challenge of safety is fatalities. According to Maersk’s year report, from 2010 to 2012, the number of fatalities increases from 12 to 17, compared to Maersk’s 0 fatalities goal. This upgrade trend provides much caution to Maersk.
Maersk’s analysis has pointed that within supply chain operation, there are two kinds of fatal accidents: accidents involve traffic and container movements and mechanics and accidents caused by failure of several processes. Maersk should pay more attention on improving process safety, including preventing fires, explosions and accidental releases of hazardous materials.
Maersk has set a series of strategies to improve the sustainability of its supply chain to reach zero fatalities target, including establishing fatality review group to review investigations of fatalities incurred during the year, developing new performance parameters to evaluate potential risks in the production processes and ensure a single or few actions won’t cause a large-scale accident and building a knowledge-sharing framework to let review group share good practice and develop safety initiatives.