Literature review [2-4] suggests innovative techniques for assessment of various aspects of fatigue …show more content…
A magnetic thermocouple was employed to record the surface temperature evolution of the spec-imen around the crack growth during the FCG test. The magnetic thermocouple was used to mitigate the delam-ination of the thermocouples from the specimen surface during the test. The second thermocouple was placed near the specimen to record the ambient temperature to ensure that any temperature changes that occur on the specimen surface is not affected by ambient tempera-ture. A high-speed, high-resolution infrared (IR) thermal imager is used to calibrate the thermocouples at the be-ginning of the test, and to capture the thermal image of the crack growth as shown in Fig.2. The temperature was measured at the crack tip. Due to the material’s response to the unexpected movement, dislocations and defects go along with the surface intrusion and extrusion, the surface temperature increases rapidly at the beginning of the test. A typical entropy accumulation was plotted as a function, noting the number of cycles for the low car-bon steel specimen during the entire FCG test under CAL and VAL conditions. Examination of Fig. 3 reveals that the temperature evolution under-went three distinct phases. During the first stage, surface temperature increases rapidly at the beginning of the FCG test. Then, during the second stage, the temperature levels off and becomes steady until it begins to rise ab-ruptly, shortly before failure occurs in the third stage. A variation of temperature evolution under VAL condition, two-step of low-high (L-H) and high-low (H-L) sequence loading during the entire FCG test is shown in Fig.