Accountancy-III Litt 21-K
I chose the short story written by Estrella Alfon entitled “magnificence”, because of it contains a lot of symbolisms in which some of the things, characters, as well as the scenarios have meanings beyond the obvious. One of the used symbols is the light. The light plays a major role in the story and even to the characterization of Vicente. The readers first encounter with Vicente, he was “standing for a while just beyond the pool of light, his feet in the circle of illumination, the rest him in shadow." We get a picture here that Vicente is "peeping" or "spying" and seems to have some hidden agenda. Also, the light's significance was also important in the later part of the story when the mother slapped him out of the house. The mother, as she drove the man away seemed to be bringing him back to the "darkness", to the "shadows" where he really came from. Another one are the pencils. It was said that during those times colorful pencils were a "hit." And so giving the kids these pencils are forms of bribe so that Vicente could get along with the kids well and they would not doubt him. The jumbo pencil with white lead given to the little girl somehow symbolizes a man’s organ. In the story, Vicente was taking advantage or abusing the little girl and maybe he was imagining that it was his own as the little girl uses the jumbo pencil.
The author has described the major characters of the story contrastively. At the first part of the story, the mother was depicted "with eyes that held pride, and maternal gloating she exhibited." She was negatively described in the first parts whereas on the later part, when he had drove Vicente away from their house, she was described as a protective and loving mother to her children. "When the mother reached her, the woman held her hand out to the child." On the other hand, there was a big contrast between the mother and Vicente in the