There are over 500 tribes in Africa, some have been identified and the rest of the 'lost' tribes are yet to be discovered.
Each tribe has its own traditional and social values. Their social background is influenced by language, religion and way of life. These tribes have been in existence for thousands of years and therefore have a rich cultural heritage. Therefore their life styles have not changed significantly by western influences. A few changes such as the attire and changes in religious beliefs have been observed.
Most tribes have similar characteristics such as the clothing, music, art and dance. These tribes also use a variety of languages and dialects. Zulu and Swahili are some of the languages still being used.
Here are some of the famous tribes that exist in Africa.
Tribes of Kenya
The Masai tribe in Kenya is the most famous tribe in Africa. They are not difficult to sport with their trade mark red robes and spears. The Embu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kikuyu, Kisii, Luhya, Luo, Meru, Mijikenda, Samburu, Swahili, Taita and Turkana are some of the bigger tribes in Kenya. There are many smaller tribes in Kenya.
Tribes of Ethiopia
A number of ancient tribes live in the Omo Valley region in Southern Ethiopia. There are many tribes here called the Murusi tribe, Aari tribe, Bana and Hamer tribe. The Murusi tribe is still a primitive tribe. The Aari tribe is more civilised. Some Bana people wear normal clothes while some other elders still wear animal skins and pain themselves. The Hamer tribe people wear metal plates on their head and metal rings around their arms and necks. Other tribes do exist but have adopted a modern lifestyle.
Tribes of South Africa Travel Guide
The Zulu people are an ethnic group on South Africa Travel Guide and believed to be descendents of ancient civilization. Many of these Zulu people are still in existence and still practice traditional customs. Other than the Zulu people there were many tribes that