Bibliography: Harkavy, Michael D., "Marshall, John." The New Webster 's International Encyclopedia, 1996, 680. Great American Trials, 1994, 88-90. Kutler, Stanley L., "Gibbons v. Ogden." World Book, 1992, 8, 185. Kutler, Stanley L., "Marbury v. Madison." World Book, 1992, 13, 193. Kutler, Stanley L., "McCulloch v. Maryland." World Book, 1992, 13, 335. Mendelson, Wallace. "Dartmouth College v. Woodward." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, 242-245. Mendelson, Wallace. "Gibbons v. Ogden." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, 85-91. Mendelson, Wallace. "Marbury v. Madison." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, 5-9. Mendelson, Wallace. "McCulloch v. Maryland." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, "U.S. Law." The Volume Library 1, 1997, 11, 883. William, Jerre S., "Dartmouth College Case." World Book, 1992, 5, 38. Williams, Owen G., "Marshall, John." World Book, 1992, 13, 229-230.
Bibliography: Harkavy, Michael D., "Marshall, John." The New Webster 's International Encyclopedia, 1996, 680. Great American Trials, 1994, 88-90. Kutler, Stanley L., "Gibbons v. Ogden." World Book, 1992, 8, 185. Kutler, Stanley L., "Marbury v. Madison." World Book, 1992, 13, 193. Kutler, Stanley L., "McCulloch v. Maryland." World Book, 1992, 13, 335. Mendelson, Wallace. "Dartmouth College v. Woodward." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, 242-245. Mendelson, Wallace. "Gibbons v. Ogden." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, 85-91. Mendelson, Wallace. "Marbury v. Madison." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, 5-9. Mendelson, Wallace. "McCulloch v. Maryland." The Constitution and the Supreme Court, 1965, 2nd Edition, "U.S. Law." The Volume Library 1, 1997, 11, 883. William, Jerre S., "Dartmouth College Case." World Book, 1992, 5, 38. Williams, Owen G., "Marshall, John." World Book, 1992, 13, 229-230.